Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Happy Birfday to me!

Much love to my girlfriend Kya (right) for the lovely iPhone 3GS. I no longer have to buy a video camera to cover our nightly romps.

Poker games. Not the dirty stuff. You pervert.

That stuff stays off camera.

This is my nephew and one of my best friend's daughter. It would be so cool if they ended up as friends in the future. Not like I'm trying to hook them up or anything. XD

The camera quality is decent. I had to photoshop and smooth out these two pics. But it's way better than my blackberry camera, and much easier than buying a new camera. I might have to find a flash app though.

I took this entire week off for my birthday. On Sunday, Kya's family decided to party and make some BBQ. Lots of fun! Kya likes the Loaded Corona Light w/Lime. ^^

On Monday, the girls took me out to The Counter, arguably the best burger restaurant on the island. People will argue for Burgers on the Edge... but I doubt they'll step up to it. I have to go and try for myself. Kya gave me the iPhone, and Nikki got me a new memory stick and Patapon 2 for my PSP. Beck bought me a cover for my iPhone.

After The Counter, we watched Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was... ok. Great considering the story and what they had to condense.

After that we went to Max's Restaurant in Waipahu. It's a traditional Filipino restaurant that is famous for its chicken. Personally, I don't like going there because I'm not a big fan of Filipino food. My mom caught the drift and ordered decent food that wasn't completely traditional. Good call mom! My friends had fun!

On Friday I get to have Poker. I can't wait. :D

The new AMK (A Moogle Kupo d'Etat) expansion is out! It came out last week, but I gave it a week for information on missions to come out. I learned from ACP that going off on half-baked rumors and strategies makes it stressful experience. So I decided to wait this time. So far, the story seems interesting. It's very cute, and at the same time, very very creepy. I'll post pictures later.

This is probably the best birthday I've ever had excluding my 18th birthday/grad party. That was awesome in a different way. But this tops everything else by a long shot.

Off to farm Zeni.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Swatting Flies, Faulty Token, Frog Hopping, and Loving That Bush!

As you can tell from the title, it's been a busy week.


I forgot to post this, but a two weeks back before ZNMs, Marg went after a Voyager Sallet. We got lots of rings and bandanas, but unfortunately, not helms.

That same day I did Salvage with Senkei for the second time.


Poor Harp. I bet he didn't think I was serious.


Lots of charmed fun obviously. This is one of the many times we were charmed and kited. We look adorable, but such a time waster. I really wish drop rates were higher.

On Sunday, I tried to log in. My passwords did not work. I freaked out and thought I was hacked again. Customer service was out for the weekend, so no help there. I tried to log into the SE Token website. I found that I couldn't. At this moment I came to the conclusion that there was probably something wrong with my security token.

On Monday, I contacted customer service (took about 4 hours waiting on web chat) and my deduction was correct. They disabled my one-time password and I was able to log in again. I have to mail my token in to get a new one. At least it's free.

Today we went to Dynamis-Qufim. Nothing exciting. We got a bunch of good regular AF that people red-dotted for, so can't complain. On the accessory side, we only got RNG.

After this, we did Divine Might.


From that list of names, about 13-14 of them were people who actually signed up for the event. The rest were kind-hearted and just came out to help on a whim, including Chrisstreb to whom I am totally grateful. Of that 13-14, about 6 or 7 actually needed the quest. The rest signed up to help.

It went pretty smooth. We took the four tank/kite strategy and took out the AAs one by one.


No words can express how I feel about this AA. Actually, a few words come to mind, "bitch" and "hax" being at the top of the list. I was in charge of Marg, who was in charge of EV. It was such a pain in the ass. EV has a directional cone Shield Bash which does damage and stuns which irritated the hell out of me. Marg eventually died when the alliance focused on EV, and she wiped a good portion of the alliance. But we eventually took her down.

And here is the summary:


My SAM gets a well-deserved one-up.

All in all, a good couple busy days.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pimpin Ain't Easy


Cosplay for next Kawaii Kon?

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Crazy Weekend

Well, not totally bad. It has been crazy since Thursday. It's kinda like this...

Wednesday: Slept late and overslept. I got to work about 3 hours late. Went home and stayed up all night because my friend was over. Cleaning. <_<; Don't ask.

4 hours of sleep

Thursday: I got about 4 hours of sleep and went to ZNMs. Electricity went out so I made a mad dash to Starbucks. After searching for an hour, I finally found a seat. I got to Dynamis about 40 min late. Good run with low numbers. Did Salvage. Logged off. (This was the last time I was on my character) I tried to sleep as early as I could, which was about 2AM.

4 hours of sleep

Friday: Woke up early for work. It was a pretty decent day. After work went to Walmart then went to my mom's house. I forgot my keys so I went to Starbucks to chill. I also visited a friend. My co-worker, for some reason, ended up near me. She lives near work, but she caught the wrong bus and ended up in another district of the island. Luckily it was my town. I picked her up and brought her home. The hooker count tonight on her street was seven. Drove all the way back to my mom's house and tried to get a nap, but my nephew kept me up.

30 minutes of sleep

Saturday. Woke up at 1:45 AM. Got my stuff together (for some reason, I forgot my shorts at my mom's house. I don't know how it happened) and drove to Ala Moana Beach Park. We double-parked in front of the bus stop at the center of Ala Moana Shopping Center and Ala Moana Beach Park. I got out of my brother's car which I was in and got into my uncle's car as he and my cousin went to go search for a camp spot. Eventually the police came by and told us to move. We parked on the other side of the mall in front of Nordstrum's cafe. At 3:45 AM, we started our cars and put ourselves into traffic. The parking gates to the beach park opened at 4:00 AM. We got in at 4:10. We immediately found decent parking. 4:25, the gates are closed. Parking lot was full.

We started setting up camp. My uncle brough his tent which had a canopy extension. My brother-in-law brought two tents. After setting up, me, my brother, and my cousin went to the mall at Ala Moana. I brought my laptop so my brother could go on facebook. He's an addict. After that, we went to McDonald's for breakfast and went back to camp. I took a nap.

2 hours of sleep

I woke up and went to work. I was wearing jeans. Luckily, my manager was cool about it and said it was ok. It was the longest day of work in my life. It was a very VERY busy day in the mall. It being 4th of July and everything. But our kiosk had very little customers. I was already tired out, but I did my best. I had the energy Vitamin Water before I set up camp. I had a power size Coldbuster with a energy boost Jamba Juice for lunch. Then I had a 5-hour Energy Drink at like 4:00PM. By the time it hit 7PM, I was completely drained. But it's ok! My girlfriend and friends came to pick me up and we walked across the street to camp. The rest of my family was there, and we had a nice BBQ dinner.

Fireworks. They were beautiful.

Got home and went to sleep.

10 hours of sleep

Feeling very refreshed, I tried to log on to FFXI. Incorrect Password. I tried again. And again. Then I tried Kya's account. Same thing. Then I tried Nynja's account and I got in. There was something wrong here... I went to ffxiah and scanned my character. All of my items were still equipped. I don't think RMT would leave a Hagun alone, so I don't think my account was compromised. Then I tried to log into the security token website. One-time password is incorrect. MEH! The one thing that's supposed to protect my account is preventing me from getting in. Wow. Well... These are the possible things that could be happening:

1) I got hacked and my password was changed, but they couldn't get in because of my security token. The token is doing its job. However, I wasn't able to log into the security token website? Hmm.

2) I didn't get hack and my token screwed up somehow and is giving me the wrong numbers. Most likely reason.

3) I'm being super super crazy and I'm retyping my passwords incorrectly. Highly unlikely after 10 hours of sleep.

So ya... I'm stuck today. But my internet is too slow for me to play WolfTeam. I think I'm just going to nap all day and try to regain those lost hours.