Saturday, September 26, 2009

September 26th

Happy Birthday Kathryn!
Get better soon! I love you!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


Kathryn is in the hospital and it's pretty serious this time around. So if anyone is willing to take my work shifts this week, please let me know. And also, I won't be around for FFXI most likely.

Please keep her in your prayers.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Step Torwards Perfection

Finally! I get a real break!


Ever since the release of Salvage, I've been through about eight groups. The first one broke because people left, the second through fifth were so-so, but I didn't get anything. The sixth was actually pretty awesome and I got a few pieces here and there, but eventually I was kicked out due to the fact that I couldn't get up that early in the morning. The seventh and eight, DeathPiles and Senkei, respectively, actually got me my first ever completed Salvage piece!



This was an incredible moment for myself as I know it took years to make this happen. But it was soured by Barlow who complained that it wasn't fair that he wasn't able to lot. And of course, Salazaar and Nightfall agreed with him. I was well within my rights to lot per rules of the group. Not to mention that the final piece I needed was a 100% drop rate. I don't get it, and I never will. I'm really sad that they left the group, but... it's just too bad.

But anyway! With this, I'm able to switch to Haubergeon while keeping my haste/6-hit setup. However, since I've now switched to meat (Yellow Curry Bun), I've noticed that my WS Accuracy has dropped tremendously. I might have some adjusting to do.

Besides this stupid stupid stupid stupid drama, nothing has really happened this past week. Hmm... well... Cairstiona and Gipi finished their relics. Mandau for mommy, and Spharai for my Tarutaru comrade! I also finished my MNK AF2 set.


We also killed Sarameya twice. Salazaar got the Oracle's Robe, someone got the Aurum Armet, and Xharric got the Sarameya Hide. I believe he's 2/3 on seals... I have to go ask and make sure.

Upcoming ZNM Schedule:
09/24 - Anantaboga
10/01 - Nosferatu
10/08 - Sarameya
10/15 - Experimental Lamia
10/22 - Verdelet
10/29 - Mahjlaef the Paintorn
11/05 - ??? (Lamiae T1/T2)
11/12 - Nuhn
11/19 - Tyger
11/26 - Holiday

To Do List:
1. Calculate ZNM bank split (I'm missing like... 50-100k in my calculations... I might just throw it in because it was my fault).
2. Calculate /pwnED/ bank summary for the past two months.
3. Catch up to my gil schedule. I'm behind about 2 mil due to laziness.
4. Sleep.

So little time left. The New Year approaches.

Quick note: For those who know my gil-making secret if you understood my hints, please keep it to yourself. Some people won't understand.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm Not Going To Even Bother...

Synopsis of the past three weeks:
- Dynamis/Salvage/ZNMs as usual
- Lack of Limbus unfortunately wasn't lacking
- ADC jacked our Xarcabard despite a 3-way holding team
- ADC broke up and I jizzed in my pants
- I got Usukane Lv25 Feet and I jizzed in my pants
- I bought a new PSP with Dissidia
- I played Dissidia for a week straight (which is when I stopped posting... hmm... lol)
- I lost interest in Dissidia because Shantotto wasn't powerful enough
- I lost at poker, repeatedly
- I joined my brother's Fantasy Football League
- Took some videos I need to post
- My manager changed stores :(
- The other store's manager is at my store again :3
- My laptop went sad and needed to be reformatted
- My girlfriend got sick and I went sad
- Vacation looks to be canceled
- I'm officially hooked on Monster Hunter Unite Freedom

And now I'm sleepy because I need to redo all my macros and all the settings and download all the crap I used to have...

Good freaking night.