Sunday, March 21, 2010

Farewell Maikeru


Well this is it. Server merger is tomorrow. I have yet to decide my name but here are my best choices:

1) Maikerutaru
2) Maikerurawr
3) Mootaru
4) Michael

My last day on Fairy was lame. I wasn't able to get online when everyone else was online. Oh well. I hope pwnED carries through.

As for WC... Dunno yet. I'm personally shying away from leading (or "leading") again. I'm just not interested in being serious about this game anymore. Everything is changing, and SE is taking away the most important thing to me: my identity. I have an abundance of animosity filling my range of emotions, ergo, focusing on the positive is difficult at this moment. But... watigondo.

Well, farewell for not. My future will be determined in the next few days.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

More Delays

Basically I won't be setting up everything until I figure out what my name will be on Sylph. I just tried to create a character on Sylph but it looks like I'm too late. I guess whatever name I get will be what it'll be.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Changes in Life/Blogstyle

First of all, I'm getting ready to say goodbye to Maikeru. It's been a long journey, but I guess losing my name will force me to lose a portion of my image. I will no longer be just "Maikeru." It's going to be sad... I've based so many things these past few years on my name alone. Maikeru was not just my FFXI name. It's my real life alias in which I go by on the internet outside Fairy. My identity is being replaced... and it's a bit hard to swallow.

With that in mind, this blog will also be changed and renamed. Depending on the name I will take in Sylph will determine what this blog will look like. I'm hoping for a smooth transition with Maikerutaru because I actually have a few ideas what I'll do with that name.

Second, I want to become more involved with my media ideas. I will be moving forward with networking all of my activities using this blog as my central hub. Basically I will be finding ways to connect all of my online activities and make this blog a way of keeping it all together. We'll see... it's a bit ambitious, but not impossible.

Third, I will finally start one of my New Year's Resolutions: Post a picture a day. You see how it connects with my second? So basically the stuff I post on facebook will be posted here, etc. etc. Which means, more likely than not, you will see a new post nearly every day. Exciting, no?

Fourth, I'm trying to build my music library. So maybe... I will post my library. o_O Then you can help me build it?! Idea!

Well, that's all for today. The pictures will start coming in tomorrow, along with a song of the day that I download. The other stuff will be post-merge of the servers.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Name Change

So ya obviously, I need help with my name change. Something that will be easy to remember. These are the ones I have so far...

[still japanesie]
Maisama (LOL@this)
Shinmaikeru (Shinmai taken >_<)


Michael (surprisingly not taken, or never made it to Jeuno AH)

The weird thing is, Michaely is taken. That's so odd.

I'm leaning on Maikerutaru because it's the easiest, but I'm still considering the others. Most especially Shinmaikeru (True Michael), but that could be just spite. But anyway, I want to decide soon and create a mule there to hold my name. Halp! :(