Grats Kyaru on being the most pimp WHM I have ever seen!
My internet crapped out torwards the end of Dynamis, so I couldn't attend the relic ritual of completion. Check out her blog for screenshots.

The new expansion is coming out, complete with 3 new helms! The bonuses are... how do I say this... FUCKING AMAZING!!! It's possible to get a mind-numbing +25 accuracy on one slot for weapon skills! Granted it doesn't help my GTK that much (except for Tachi: Rana, and maybe Tachi: Gekko), I can't help but wonder what I will choose. I have to think about it.
Azure Key attempt #21. Rainbow Obi. INT+4, CHR+2, HMP+1. NPC sold. =(
n___n Yay! Thanks for the shout out Maik! :D been lots of fun since I've finished though I'm pretty excited to put it to use during Salvage and such this weekend and of course bap a few things in Dynamis too ;o~