Slowly going through the motions of accepting the "-kun" part of name. The transition wasn't as bad as I anticipated. I think it was the weeks of reluctance that kind of prepared me for it. I feel really bad for some people who expected to have their name only to find out that it wasn't so. They didn't have the time to take in the news. They had to deal with it there and then. I feel especially bad for Nightfall (Nitefall), Barlow (Barllow), Rafa (???), and several others. They had to take a full stab as they tried to log in. I just barely registered my disappointment as I tried different names to see which looked the best.
Maikerutaru just felt too long. Michael, Maiku, Mike, and several others were already taken. Adding the "kun" made the name seem... ok... So far I haven't regretted my decision. Eventually it'll stick and I'll just swallow the crap SE feeds me. No homo.
I don't know if Nite found out (God it's going to take getting used to that name), but there's a new weapon called Nightfall. That's salt in the wound considering she's leveling DRK at this moment and it would have been her namesake. Bullshit, isn't it?
Upon logging in, I created a Linkshell called YouseiRenmei (Fairy Alliance) and gathered all the people I knew just to see how everyone was. The next morning, /Senkei/ and /Malloreon/ were recreated so everyone went back to their groups. I haven't seen Somnar or Faeryl yet. I hope they find a home. I wonder if they're avoiding me... hopefully it's just bad luck.
I joined a Linkshell called SilkDragon before the server merge and I decided to stick with them. They're a nice group, and they also seem to hang around the late hours which is perfect for me because that's when I get online.
So what will happen to WindurstianCrusade? I have no clue. No one really seems to want to stick together. I have no idea what will happen. I want all of us to stay, but I need someone else to take the reins. I can not moderate the Linkshell if I'm not around during the PST/EST afternoon times. I'm just not around for it anymore.
/pwnED/ was also recreated. I talked to Brig and he said most likely I will be able to get my BST AF. Thank goodness for friends, eh? I get AF even though I'm not there. Sure I'm paying gil for it, but it's still awesome. Loyalty pays off, and I will always believe that.
That's enough for today. As soon as I redesign my blog to fit the -kun in, I will start my facebook syncing and picture of the day.
This year is surely the year of change.
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