First of all...
DISCLAIMER WARNING: This post contains images and information pertaining to the new FFXI Expansion "A Moogle Kupo d'Etat," also known as AMK. This posting contains spoilers. Please be advised.That being said, this post is going to be pretty long as it covers a bunch of stuff. So let's dive in!
I figure I'd start with the sexy Nightfall. This was during Dynamis-Valkurm and she was supposedly talking about needles from Cactaurs... yea. ^^

I got this from the ??? Sash from Red vs. Blue Assault. No one wanted it, so yay for me! This is arguably the best piece for WHM if you want to max out your -Enmity. Good piece once my WHM hits 75. I get to sell my Penitent's Rope! :D
We fought this bastard two weeks ago for some seals. Awful awful bastard that I want to stab. Luckily for this run we had support from Senkei. It was a good thing. I sort of doubt we would have been able to beat him without the help. Basically, this guy has a combination of charm, Astral Flow, and multiple AoE attacks. Just an overall badass. I'm sad we have to keep fighting him. We need seals from this guy for Sarameya.

Along with AMK, this past update also introduced the new Union system to Campaign. Basically, after getting your Allied Tags, you register for a random union. At the end of a campaign battle, depending on how well your union fought, you receive spoils from the battle. It's pretty random, but some items are worth a bunch, and of course the highly sought out Dynamis currency also drop. The more members in a union, the greater the number of drops at the end of the fight because your union is more likely to kill more beastmen. However, the more players, the more competition. So it's a tossup.
With the update, you can now augment pretty much anything. This is one of the new crafted items and the possibility of augments. There are a whole bunch of screenshots on KI and BG forums of some possible awesome augments. This is a screenshot of a random galka passing by. I might try for this one day. I think Demenic is trying to get a group together for it.

Like I said earlier in the disclaimer, if you do not wish to see spoilers, do not read on.
Overall, this expansion was pretty decent. The quests are not as irritating as ACP, and the final BCNM wasn't so aggravating. The best part was the fact that I did not have to climb Delkfutt's Tower. Just thinking about that portion of ACP makes me want to punch this screen. They also did a great job on the cutscenes. Maybe it was just the fact that it was mooglicious, but the details were executed very well.
Storyline: 6.5/10
Cutscenes: 8/10
Music: N/A (sound was off lol)
Value (Reward): 9/10
No Delkfutt's Climb: +5
Overall: 28.5/30
Here are some screenshots of my journey...
This was the protagonist of the storyline. Cute little fella.
Poor little guy got stuck in the treasure chest!
Ok maybe it's because I'm a bit of a scaredy-cat when it comes to some of these images... BUT DAMN! I was so freaked out watching this cutscene. I mean, it doesn't look too scary as still pictures, but while it was animated I was getting chills. The eyes were pretty freaky and I had flashbacks of Evangelion. What freaked me out the most were the bloody handprints. Can anyone say Elfen Lied? Maybe I just watch too much creepy, religious, and symbolic anime.
I found this NM wandering around while doing one of the quests for AMK. I remember Azulmagia trying to camp this guy for drops or something... idk. XD
Hello Kitty?
The antagonist of the storyline, the boss moogle was... well... the boss! I didn't take pictures of the last BCNM fight (because I was doing my best not to screw up), but basically this guy goes crazy and gains huge powers. Keyword: huge.
And is it just me or does the second picture look like the resurrection of Jesus? I wonder if it's a sin to compare God to a video game...
Also the boss takes triple damage. Nice little e-peen going here!

Trojan Taru~~~!
The reward of my endeavors. This is a big "FUCK YOU" to Maat's Cap, Wyvern Helm +1, and Shura Zunari Kabuto +1. It is possible to get a full STR+6, but according to the SAM Union on KI, WS+2% is >
STR+2. What makes this awesome is the
WSACC+15. That's freaking amazing to be combined with a
STR piece.
There are only two things that can be arguably better than this:
Wyvern Helm +1 with
STR+3 augment, or
Gnadbhod's Helm. Both of which are a bitch to obtain, or, in the
Wyvern's case, pretty much impossible.
I could have also gotten a full accuracy helm with
STR+4. This would be awesome for
MNK, or any other multi-hitting weapon skills. But I enjoy SAM more than any other melee job, so I went with what I have.
Anyway, it's been a long day, and a long post. Good night!