Saturday, August 8, 2009

Karma Payback


This is from Monday, I forgot to post it. We failed to pop NM at the higher floor. But we got to play as frogs!

So anyway, that bad day turned around and I had damn good luck. All my lots were 900+ in Dynamis-Beaucedine for a while and people were starting to think I stole Homero's lot bot (joke).


(picture turned out better than I expected)

Inventory +10! Wewt!

The Etoile Tights gives me a full amount of 21% haste in TP gear. Thank goodness for inert DNC accuracy!


Mia being random. <_<;

Tonight I played poker at my friend's house. I actually won! I won't put an actual amount, but let's just say I'm about even in my winnings and losses now. So good for me!

Anyway, I might be online tomorrow but there's a poker tournament I'm invited to. So... I don't know. Depends on my friend if she's going or not. And also whether I have permission. ^_^

Good night!

1 comment:

  1. I google'd: homero's lot bot ffxi
    Your blog entry came up second, lmao.

    Glad you made out well. ^^ And you better make that into your sig. :P
