Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Closing time...

I'm considering closing my FFXI account. I have not logged in for over a month. Although these past two months have been pretty... current-life changing. But the thing is... I don't miss it. I just don't.

I think I'm done.

And I'm not thrilled about the level cap raising. Also, my friends are just not around anymore. So... it's not much fun. I haven't completely decided yet. I'll probably know but the end of next month.

Meanwhile... I've been playing MH3, (Monster Hunter Tri). Online play has different servers. Open servers have like 15 rooms, and the other servers have like 3-5 rooms. Each room have 20 something gates. Each gate can house 100 players max. Each gate can has about 30 cities. So... assuming my math is horrible, there are over 24,000 locations I can play. That's a lot of places I can randomly end up in.

And randomly, I chose the room with a "Clave" and a "Kyattsu."


How crazy was that?! LOL! It's cool that I get to play with some familiar faces.

Anyway, that's it for now. This blog won't probably last. Sad to say.


  1. If you're not sure, keep the game and just do quests and missions. No leveling, no prepping. Enjoy the game for the reason it was made - storyline. Besides friends, it's the only reason I ever truly continue to play. I mean, that's what the FF series is all about right? Without an amazing storyline, the game is like any other RPG (imho anyway).

    You do what you enjoy and what makes you happy. You've done more in FFXI than I'll probably ever achieve in it. You've played it through and enjoyed it for the past so many years. If it's not interesting enough anymore, no one would hold it against you to quit.

    PS: I have a proposition for you that might rekindle a little spark for it. I gotta run to work now, but send me a PM on the forums or the game, and I'll run it by you.

